Wednesday, June 17, 2009

4 1/2 Months Old

During the past few weeks Mommy and Daddy have noticed many changes in Alivia. She loves to play with her car seat toys even though they have been on there since she has been born, she is now interested in them. She enjoys playing by herself on a blanket with toys. We even have caught her putting her legs up underneath her like she is trying to crawl. Another new thing she likes is grasping a hold of everything she sees. She especially likes a ball that is in the picture below. It is easy for her to hold on to and she can put it in her mouth. Nap time is definitley an improvement. She usually fusses for just a few minutes and puts herself right to sleep for her morning nap. We are still working on the afternoon nap but I am sure that will come with time. Last, Alivia has been "talking" a lot. It is kind of funny because mommy and daddy are constantly saying "mama" and "dada" to her to see which one she says first. We will see!!! WOW...our little angel is getting to be such a big girl. :)

Her favorite ball...thanks Jami! :)

I'm a big girl!

Playing with her car seat toys for the first time!

Funny faces and noises!

I LOVE my ball!

Will I be an early crawler???

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad she likes the ball!! Morgan can't wait to see Alivia on Monday!
