Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brushing her Teeth

Chad and Kristin (Alivia's god parents) had this cute step stool/seat made for Alivia's 1st birthday. She LOVES taking the puzzle pieces out and putting them back in to spell her name. Tonight I tried to get her to stand on it to brush her teeth but I think she is a little too small for that yet. However, she DID hold her tooth brush all by herself tonight. She is growing up way too fast!

Step stool


Daddy, I can do it all by myself!


Brushing those 4 molars that she got all at once....:(


  1. OMG....how cute is she!!! Before long you'll be telling her to go brush her teeth and put her pj's on:)

  2. Yep...that explains why I looked up today and she was standing on the little stool we have. I'm thinking it was higher off the ground, however, so Ms. Janet had to be lightning fast to get her down....turned my back and there she was--up there again. Stool had to be put away :( Don't need another shiner from Janet's house just yet!! Big girl, that Alivia!
