Every time that Ben gives Alivia a bath he does this to her hair and Alivia makes this funny face. I just had to snap a picture because Ben thinks it is hilarious!! Alivia I am sure will love this picture later on in life! He, he!
Birth- 7 lbs 13 oz, 20 inches long- 7 lbs 2 oz. when we left the hospital
Alivia's Milestones...
22 Months: Saying 3-4 word sentences and is potty trained!!! Her new favorite food is pizza!
18 Months: Talking like crazy!! Saying 3 word phrases. Still a picky eater
14 Months: Running!! LOVES to play ball! Climbs on everything. Her favorite words to say are; hi, bye, dog, mama, dada (signs "more" and "all done!") Still likes to do animal sounds; lion, monkey, cow, sheep
12 Months: Walking/Running- can say mama, dada and ball for words. Understands 20 words, can do a lion, monkey and cow sound
11 1/2 Months: walking!!!
11 months: Took 15 steps on her own but is not officially walking. Says ma ma! Curious Alivia! Into everything!!! :)
10 months: Continues to cruise like crazy! Took 2 steps on her own. LOVES waving bye bye and clapping to herself when she is excited! Says ba, ba for bottle!
9 months: LOVES waving at strangers and is beginning to say ma..ma..Cruising like crazy all over the place!
8 months: Waves bye bye and gives high fives
Stands with 1 hand and transfers from one area to the next: 7 1/2 Months
Eats snacks on her own: 6 1/2 Months
Pulling up to a stand: 6 1/2 Months
Crawling: 5 1/2 Months
Saying da...da....: 23 weeks- 5 1/2 Months
On her hands and knees semi crawling: 20 weeks- 5 Months
Scooted with her legs underneath her: 18 weeks- 4 1/2 Mths
Rolled over on her tummy: 11 weeks- almost 3 Months
Slept through the night: 10 weeks- 2 1/2 Months
Laughed out loud: 7 weeks- almost 2 Months
First Smile: 6 weeks- 1 1/2 Months
Watch Will Grow...
12 Months- 22 lbs 80z (46%) and 28 2/4 in (19%)
6 Months- 17 lbs 10 oz (55%) and 27 1/2 in (60%)
4 Months- 14 lbs 9 oz (40%) and 25 1/2 in (69%)
2 Months- 11 lbs 10 oz (47%) and 23 1/4 in (67%)
2 Weeks- 7 lbs 2 oz- back to birth weight :) 21 inches
At Birth- weighed 7 lbs 2 oz- he was 6 lbs 8 oz when we left the hospital- 20 inches
Will's Milestones
12 Months- Cruising everywhere but not walking yet- sleeps from 7:30-7:30 :) Says, ma ma, da da and ball. Loves doing "so big" with his hands and pointing to his nose. He always loves growling different animal noises
8 Months- Crawling and cruising
7 Months- On hands and knees rocking but not crawling yet- still LOVES to eat- Said Ma, ma for the first time on Jan. 1st :) Sleeps from 7:30-7:00
6 Months- Rolling machine- LOVES all solid foods :) Says Da Da- sleeps from 7:30-7:00
4 Months- Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back- LOVES eating cereal- sleeps from 7:30-6:30
3 Months- Sleeps from 8:00 to 6:00- rolls from tummy to back
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