Today is Grandpa Stewart's birthday. Alivia loved giving him his presents and visiting him. Alivia is Grandpa's girl for sure! Happy Birthday Dad! You are the best dad and grandpa ever! We LOVE YOU!
Birth- 7 lbs 13 oz, 20 inches long- 7 lbs 2 oz. when we left the hospital
Alivia's Milestones...
22 Months: Saying 3-4 word sentences and is potty trained!!! Her new favorite food is pizza!
18 Months: Talking like crazy!! Saying 3 word phrases. Still a picky eater
14 Months: Running!! LOVES to play ball! Climbs on everything. Her favorite words to say are; hi, bye, dog, mama, dada (signs "more" and "all done!") Still likes to do animal sounds; lion, monkey, cow, sheep
12 Months: Walking/Running- can say mama, dada and ball for words. Understands 20 words, can do a lion, monkey and cow sound
11 1/2 Months: walking!!!
11 months: Took 15 steps on her own but is not officially walking. Says ma ma! Curious Alivia! Into everything!!! :)
10 months: Continues to cruise like crazy! Took 2 steps on her own. LOVES waving bye bye and clapping to herself when she is excited! Says ba, ba for bottle!
9 months: LOVES waving at strangers and is beginning to say like crazy all over the place!
8 months: Waves bye bye and gives high fives
Stands with 1 hand and transfers from one area to the next: 7 1/2 Months
Eats snacks on her own: 6 1/2 Months
Pulling up to a stand: 6 1/2 Months
Crawling: 5 1/2 Months
Saying da...da....: 23 weeks- 5 1/2 Months
On her hands and knees semi crawling: 20 weeks- 5 Months
Scooted with her legs underneath her: 18 weeks- 4 1/2 Mths
Rolled over on her tummy: 11 weeks- almost 3 Months
Slept through the night: 10 weeks- 2 1/2 Months
Laughed out loud: 7 weeks- almost 2 Months
First Smile: 6 weeks- 1 1/2 Months
Watch Will Grow...
12 Months- 22 lbs 80z (46%) and 28 2/4 in (19%)
6 Months- 17 lbs 10 oz (55%) and 27 1/2 in (60%)
4 Months- 14 lbs 9 oz (40%) and 25 1/2 in (69%)
2 Months- 11 lbs 10 oz (47%) and 23 1/4 in (67%)
2 Weeks- 7 lbs 2 oz- back to birth weight :) 21 inches
At Birth- weighed 7 lbs 2 oz- he was 6 lbs 8 oz when we left the hospital- 20 inches
Will's Milestones
12 Months- Cruising everywhere but not walking yet- sleeps from 7:30-7:30 :) Says, ma ma, da da and ball. Loves doing "so big" with his hands and pointing to his nose. He always loves growling different animal noises
8 Months- Crawling and cruising
7 Months- On hands and knees rocking but not crawling yet- still LOVES to eat- Said Ma, ma for the first time on Jan. 1st :) Sleeps from 7:30-7:00
6 Months- Rolling machine- LOVES all solid foods :) Says Da Da- sleeps from 7:30-7:00
4 Months- Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back- LOVES eating cereal- sleeps from 7:30-6:30
3 Months- Sleeps from 8:00 to 6:00- rolls from tummy to back
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